Saturday, June 03, 2006


err. it seems that ken is actually following the advice on annalyn's card. i just realised it. cause he threw a stool at me while i was shooting. ouch. luckily, i didnt let go of the string and let fly the arrow in any direction. i did manage to lower it. but ouch. ended up shooting a 6 for that arrow after an entire end of 9s. omg. whee, hope the windbreaker design is nice though. if not, i'll never forgive kaswin. dono why, but yea.

oops. forgot all about the ics concert tonight. should have gone and supported at least. ): even ben lim is there. lol. ah well, ill help out more for the next event. im not sure if i am a member but who cares. but i wonder if having 3 cca is allowed. i could have solved the whole problem by quitting RAFFLES CHAPTER but indra somehow talked me into staying. dang. why do i always fall for his persuasion. maybe i'll get my first aid cert and then quit. hehe. or maybe ill just stay. lol. but i hate the duties and i am sick of organising cip. haiz.

bugger. i spent a hell lot of sms today trying to converse with my "telepathic" twins. i guess they gave up cause i didnt get any replies. still wish i knew what they were up to. hell, it did give me a lot of laughs. my sis was wondering why i was grinning like a retard the whole afternoon?

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